Plague Vlog: Let There Be Light

Gorcka and I made a LED light for filming last week – which would have been a really cool project to film, but I got all wrapped up in the making and didn’t set up a camera.

That homemade project shined a light on how messy my garage was which resulted in this video.

…Meanwhile Allison shares a story about a recent Zoom call.

Plague Vlog: Flu Shots

Allison and I got flu shots today at Target… who doesn’t not respect the concept of an appointment. Ben experienced a different kind of shoot, a photo shoot. Our friend’s children also took advantage of the photographer being there, and I had a nice conversation with our old friend Jackson.

First Day of 3rd Grade

It was “Back to School” day and it certainly was a special one. Our school’s COVID-19 strategy was to do half days at home and half days in the classroom.

It was Ben’s first day in the classroom and he wasn’t very excited (he never is), but he turned it around by the end of day. I thought it was important to document the day (I try to do it every year).

First Day: Kindergarten

First Day: 1st Grade

Labor Day 2020

It was a quiet and lazy Labor Day weekend. The dog was spayed last week and she is still recovering. Nobody had the mental energy to figure out where and how to go somewhere safely (without crowds and worth the drive).

So we stayed home, binge-watched TV, and I played with my old camera equipment to fight off buying a new one. Bonus points for irking Allison to her soul.

Vacationing in Chestertown, NY

My family and friends rented a house in Chestertown, NY near Loon Lake. In addition to having some fun on Lake George, we did some hiking near the lake, took a dip in the lake, and visit a weekly farmer’s market.

We tried to hit up the local business as much as possible and we found some nice options. Shout out to Main Street Ice Cream – very nice people and the Odd Duck

I tried to find spots to use the drone as well… because why not?