I reached my goal!

In August of this year, Google trending reported at least one person from every state in the US had visited my blog except three. I made it a goal on that day to get someone from those three states to come and visit the site, and I am pleased to say that has happened.

I want to thank everyone who has read the blog and checked out the other websites this year. I do this because I enjoy it and I hope you do too.

I guess next year is a completely green global map? Not sure if all of those white spaces have internet access regularly (but I am going to find out). I am glad people are out there reading. Thanks for a great 2009. Hope you stick around for 2010.


A few months ago I installed Google Analytics on all of my websites. I have been enjoying reviewing the trends of my site usage and trying to improve and grow my website empire. Last week I noticed that Analytics offers a map feature telling me where my content are being read and my mind is blown.

I assumed that most people reading were in the New Jersey/Philadelphia area with a sprinkle of New York and California because of friends and family, which is true; but I am surprised to see hits in states that I don’t know anybody AND I am seeing views in countries like Australia, England, Germany, Canada (CSA all the way!), Italy, France – you get the idea.

I certainly hope I am not propagating the “stupid American” stereotype with my refusal to run spell check, persistent grammatical mistakes, and of course the fact that I can be a raging asshole. Thanks for reading World, you made my day, even if you do think I am a moron.

RIP hitman2398.tripod.com

Due to my little video rant last month, I sporadically google myself to see what comes up. Today I noticed my old tripod site that I had to do for college was still alive. It was an interesting snap shot of what my life was when I stopped updating it (abandoned for scrotch.com and eventually joeylombardi.com). In the past I had decided to leave it alone because of said snapshot, but tripod is littered with ads and it isn’t who I am anymore – not by a long shot, so I closed shop.

It’s sad to let go of those little pieces of your youth, but sometimes it is necessary to continue moving forward.

I wanted to commemorate the end of a site that has lasted longer than most of my friendships because I am sure I will forget it.

Sept 1997 – Feb 2009
“Ghetto Fabulous to the max”

A site to talk about friends, college life, publish school work, and indulge in silly fantasies. If it made someone laugh through any of the three published versions it did its job.

PS – Here is a picture I found of Sean in the file structure…