PGYTech OneGo 10L vs. Peak Design 10L Sling

I recently purchased a PGYTech OneGo 10L shoulder bag with the hopes of being able to fit a Mavic Air 2 drone, the controller, batteries, a Sony A7C (with lens) and one additional lens in one small bag.

I also compare this bag to the Peak Design 10L Sling (v1). Since they are both 10L, they fit pretty much the same amount of gear. The hope was the OneGo 10L’s vertical design would give it an advantage.

Watch the video to find out if I was successful.

Discussing Color Grading and LUTs

After my first experience with color profiles on my Panasonic G7, I steered away from changing the settings on the camera. I didn’t know what I was doing, and I just followed what other vloggers said to do.

The problem is… most vloggers what the most neutral color palette from the camera, so they can tweak the colors in editing.

Who wants to do extra work?

If you are using a few different cameras in the same video, I understand the desire to have the same color science through all clips, but I am sticking to the default settings.

Sony 35mm F 1.8 Lens Review

I recently purchased a Sony 35mm F1.8 lens (SEL35F18F) and paired it with my A7C to make this review.

The low light performance is very good, but at the end of the video I was overly optimistic about the low light performance (I literally shut all of the lights off), as expected the ISO ramped up and caused some grain.

It still looked sharp and clear with very minimal lighting and I am looking forward to playing around with background lighting when I use it again.

Lens Test: Viltrox 85MM featuring Rayla

No talking, just puppy pictures.

Just took some quick pics with my new 85mm F 1.8 Viltrox lens. I got a very good deal (on an already cheap lens) via Amazon for Black Friday (the sale is still on for Cyber Monday).

I like the fast picture taking and the background separation. Rayla was not the best subject, but she is cute. Looking forward to testing the lens with a participant that sits still.

Sony A7C: First Impressions Review

I uploaded a few videos yesterday while messing around with my new Sony A7C. I didn’t think anybody outside my social circle would look at them… but I was wrong.

I felt like I should do a proper first impressions review of the camera based on my (relatively) limited experience… which I am trying to use to my advantage in this scenario. A professional photographer is going to have a specific point of view that is vastly different than an amateur.

Not calling the pros jaded, but some of the complaints I have read about the A7C don’t seem to make any sense if you just want a nice camera to use.