ChatGPT Scripted This Video

ChatGPT is making headlines and terrifying educators.

The headlines made me curious so I created an account.

First, if you are worried that this is going to replace journalists or write your kid’s school essays, I wouldn’t lose any sleep. Second, the bot is only loaded with information through 2021 and it tends to get many details wrong. You need to fact check almost everything it spits out.

I used the bot to help me write an article about all of the tech company layoffs, and it literally got every fact wrong.

Most importantly, ChatGPT thrives in the creation of basic scripts and models. Information that has been readily available and has multiple sources appears effortlessly. It can make simple lists and scripts quickly (see video), which is a great supplement.

In this post, you will see how I used the bot to craft blog posts. While the format was good, I had to research and re-write all the actual facts.

Commonly Asked Questions About ChatGPT:

  1. Does this chat bot create unique answers? No, it scours the internet for content
  2. Are ChatGPT essays good? Format is good, however the facts and information might be very wrong.
  3. Why is the service currently down? Demand is high and the servers can’t take the strain

YouTube Likes, Dislikes, and Comments

A few months ago, YouTube announced they were hiding dislikes that can been seen on the video page.

I didn’t understand why some creators were against this change, so I dug in. Certain comments made me rethink some policy decisions on my own channel.

Moving forward, I am opening up comments on videos (not involving my family) in the hopes of having more interaction and making better videos that people want to see.

Black Screens & Lighting

My self-education of videography and lighting continues. I recently purchased a black/white pop up background and a fairly professional light.

I did some experiments on both background colors with different lights to see if I could get desired outcomes… with mixed results.

Genaray AK-230 Light:

Black/White Background:

Wine Day 2013

Family Wine making day. I was really lazy this year and didn’t take that much footage, had to really stretch it out.