
A few months ago I installed Google Analytics on all of my websites. I have been enjoying reviewing the trends of my site usage and trying to improve and grow my website empire. Last week I noticed that Analytics offers a map feature telling me where my content are being read and my mind is blown.

I assumed that most people reading were in the New Jersey/Philadelphia area with a sprinkle of New York and California because of friends and family, which is true; but I am surprised to see hits in states that I don’t know anybody AND I am seeing views in countries like Australia, England, Germany, Canada (CSA all the way!), Italy, France – you get the idea.

I certainly hope I am not propagating the “stupid American” stereotype with my refusal to run spell check, persistent grammatical mistakes, and of course the fact that I can be a raging asshole. Thanks for reading World, you made my day, even if you do think I am a moron.

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