Joey vs. Ticketmaster: Part Two

Howdy true be-loggers! This is the 2nd part of my issues with Ticketmaster. Long story short, nothing happened. But I will get my feelings off my chest. If you didn’t read part one, you can do so here.

So lets see what Ticketmaster’s latest response was:

[My Thoughts]

Ticketmaster is a company that has a reputation of fucking over their customers. Even on this small scale, they have proved this reputation is valid. I didn’t ask for money, I asked for them to look at their customer experience and leverage their relationship with the vendors they support to improve quality. They washed their hands.

They make mention that as a company the satisfaction of their customers is of their utmost concern, yet they did nothing to help me achieve satisfaction in this matter. They brushed it off because they can and they will get away with it.

I am not going to stop going to concerts which means I am going to have to use these assholes, paying their outrageous service fees and there is not a damn thing I can do about it (looks like they are going to merge with Live Nation, so there is no alternative).

One more failure for the little guy.

I am going to write a letter to the Trocadero box office manager; I am sure I will get the blow off too. I will share that failure with you because, it’s amusing.

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