Book Review: My Horizontal Life


I will admit that I don’t know anything about Chelsea Handler. I have never watched her show, and I don’t think I have seen her act in anything. So why did I read her book? I just finished a book about Nazis and I needed something funny and quick to read to get that darkness out of my mind and her book was just there.

I knocked “My Horizontal Life” out in a half of day and overall it reads like a typical celebrity book. The theme seems to focus on a series of one night stands before she became successful. Handler does well at weaving a story, but her attempts at comedy are just “meh”. It is not a lack of talent, she is just covering material that has been thoroughly picked over.

Actually the book reads like the female version of Tucker Max, only less gross. She writes about having sex with Hispanics, African Americans, Little People, criminals, and develops friendships with deeply troubled homosexuals. She talks about her crazy family and thus makes fun of herself. Nothing is shocking and I feel like she is attempting to make a bigger deal out of nothing for comedic effect, but there is no crazy punchline at the end.

There really isn’t any mental nutritional value in the book, but she did get my mind off of WWII era Germany, so the book served its purpose. Would I recommend it? Not really. If you have a selection, I am sure you can find other things to read that are better, but if you read it, you won’t wish that you hadn’t.

Here is some of her stand-up (I had no idea what she looked like):

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