AnkerWork M650 Wireless Microphone Review

I recently purchased the AnkerWork M650 wireless microphone kit (thanks to a big Prime Day discount). Out of the box, I was impressed with the mic design and the receiver’s menu system.

This is my third wireless mic solution, so I decided compare the M650 and:

The M650 did well and it highlights some issues with the other microphones that made me less inclined to use them.

Additional Review Videos:

Independent News Inspired Me to Make Videos and Now it is Dying

10 years ago if you had a camera and $15 bucks to register a domain, you could get into the independent news media game (maybe not successfully, lol).

Vice, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, and even Mic inspired me to make content and made me believe I could make decent content all by myself. It pushed me to get better an use the tech available to make something presentable.

Social Media sites like Facebook pressured smaller outlets to do more video which increased expenses. It didn’t bring more clicks, it didn’t bring more ad revenue, and now these sites are going under.

What does all of this mean for the little guys (and gals)?

Sony Camera Microphone Battle!

I recently purchased the Sony ECM-B10 to add to my collection of camera microphones.

How does the small and cheaper ECM-B10 microphone perform against the older, bigger, and more expensive ECM-B1M?

Honestly, I was a little surprised with the results. Check out the video and see for yourself.