Short Video: Hard Work vs. Futility

I had this idea of a plague of locusts descending on a farm over and over again… does the farmer keep trying, keep replanting? Or does there come a time when you pack up and move on?

I haven’t made anything for this channel in a few months, so I wanted to explore this idea with my stock footage subscriptions and see what would happen.

Last Minute Holiday Gift Suggestions

I did a little year-end holiday gift guide because why the heck not? I came up with options that are both budget and baller. I specifically sought out practical gifts as well as a few fun ones.

I am posting this on Sunday 12/20/2020 – you might already be too late (pray that Amazon has that next day shipping option).

Links to items discussed in this video…
Lee Performance Pants:

Pocket Knife:

Chromecast Review:

Previous Peak Design Bag Review:

Plague Vlog: Flu Shots

Allison and I got flu shots today at Target… who doesn’t not respect the concept of an appointment. Ben experienced a different kind of shoot, a photo shoot. Our friend’s children also took advantage of the photographer being there, and I had a nice conversation with our old friend Jackson.

Labor Day 2020

It was a quiet and lazy Labor Day weekend. The dog was spayed last week and she is still recovering. Nobody had the mental energy to figure out where and how to go somewhere safely (without crowds and worth the drive).

So we stayed home, binge-watched TV, and I played with my old camera equipment to fight off buying a new one. Bonus points for irking Allison to her soul.

Gorcka Got A Haircut

My friend Gorcka’s hair has been out of control since the pandemic started. He kept saying he wanted me to give him a haircut on vacation… and I did just that.

The only problem was… we didn’t have any of the right equipment.

Let’s see how it turned out.