Podcast: Test 05: Motorola S10 Headphone review


Here is another podcast test to enjoy while I line up interviews for The Source podcast. This is a test of audio mixing from different sources while attempting to do an actual episode.

On a related note (and for my own personal reference), Engadget just did a review of in-ear headphones under $40 bucks.

Engadget: Best in-ear headphones under $40

Seriously Donald Trump?


Donald Trump is well known for saying outrageous things. That might be good for a television personality and even a business man, but not for the leader of the free world.

Trump managed to finally ostracize himself from GOP leadership by questioning Senator John McCain’s war hero status.

After getting called out by almost every presidential candidate and elected Republican (except Ted Cruz, who is clearly looking to court Trump’s supporters when he inevitably drops out), Trump proceeded to publicly disclose Sen. Lindsey Graham’s private cell phone.

Between his controversial statements about Hispanics, his treatment of other politicians (on his own side), and exhibiting behavior not fitting the POTUS – this guy is clearly not trying to win an election.

I have no idea what his end game is. Winning the Republican nomination, let alone a national election, is not his objective. The Ann Coulter method is not going to get a person in the White House (or even an invitation to visit).

He is going to make more money out of this situation, that I have no doubt.

Photo: Gage Skidmore, Flickr

Test Podcast 3

Photo: Patrick Breitenbach, Flickr

People who don’t know me personally are probably not going to care about this one – looking for some feedback on sound quality.

My podcasting goals took a leap forward over the weekend. I was annoyed at myself for not producing anything and concluded that I needed to find a means of getting guests to participate remotely (because nobody wants to do it live at my house).

Long story short: I figured out a way to record guest via the phone or Skype/Google Hangouts (with decent quality).

I am not going for goofy content this time around. There is a very specific goal in mind and I am lining up real guests now. More to come.

Here is an equipment test. Forget what I am saying, just let me know if it is too loud or not loud enough. Also let me know if Allison’s call is clear enough that you would actually listen to this call quality in your car.

Seasons Greetings (2013)

I wasn’t sure if I was going to write a year-end post. My hesitation was not out of any negativity, but more of a feeling like maybe the concept has run its course.

This picture of Earth popped up in my news feed today and I thought about perspective. It is good to change it sometimes and it is good to document where you are at now for a revisit later.

I am not going to give some big ra-ra speech about change or making the best of your situation. That was last year, I hope your situation is better this year, and I hope it is even better next year. But that is on you and lady luck.

I am pretty damn thankful for where I am at in life right now. I enjoy my family and the thought processes that go along with raising children. Wanting them to have all of the good things that make you who you are and none of the bad… and then cringing when you see those bad traits bubble out. Genetics, aren’t they grand?

Not to soap box, but I have said this in real life a few times and have been meaning to document it on a blog somewhere. Even though I am clearly enjoying being a parent, it is not for everyone. Your parents, your religion, your government want you to keep pumping out red blooded whatever-the-hell-you-are and if that is the key to your happiness – awesome, but it isn’t the only way to lead an interesting and fulfilling life.

You have options – explore all of them so you feel good about the decisions you do make.

And that is a hell of a segue to whatever scrap of a message I do have this year. Make informed decisions. At work, at home, and in the infinite daily interactions you have with the masses. Be informed. Stay informed. Educate those around you. Rinse and repeat.

You will make the world a better place, if not for everyone, at least it will be better for me.

I will end this year with this visual… just remember where we are all sitting in the grand scheme of everything:

I hope 2014 brings you whatever you are looking for. Happy New Year!