Wilco Haiku: What’s that on my Shirt?

A few weeks ago, Wilco’s website (Wilcoworld.net) announced a contest for a Gibson SG Guitar signed by the band. You just had to submit a Wilco related haiku poem. While I am not one for poetry, I wanted that fucking guitar. The deadline was a few weeks ago and I haven’t heard anything, so I am assuming I lost. Since the effort was made and and I won’t be able to post this week, I am going to publish some of the better ones I came up with every day. I hope you enjoy my attempts at winning a free guitar.

What’s that on my shirt?
Started war on war
Ash from American Flags
Staining my clean shirt

ADD: It dawned on me that people might not know what Haiku is. From Wikipedia:

Haiku: is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17 moras (or on), in three metrical phrases of 5, 7, and 5 moras respectively.

[1] Haiku typically contain a kigo, or seasonal reference, and a kireji or verbal caesura. In Japanese, haiku are traditionally printed in a single vertical line, while haiku in English usually appear in three lines, to parallel the three metrical phrases of Japanese haiku.

[2] Previously called hokku, haiku was given its current name by the Japanese writer Masaoka Shiki at the end of the 19th century.