Get More Views With Better Thumbnails! Here’s How….

Picture of Joey Lombardi with yellow background

My YouTube thumbnail game was terrible. After watching several videos on how to improve my site, I realized I needed a better method to make thumbnails.

I found a site called Canva and I am very impressed. The site makes thumbnail generation much easier than the other tools I have been using (like GIMP).

Canva is free, but there are several premium services you need to pay for. I share some other tools and tips to make due with what is available for free with Canva, but I do recommend the premium service, it makes workflow so much easier.

Tools Referenced:

I Am Not Quitting YouTube

I wanted to give a quick channel update as it has been a few months since I posted on this channel.

Just because I haven’t posted here, that doesn’t mean I am not making videos! I have been active over at “The Source” making procurement and career advice while the winter (rain, as it hasn’t snowed) killed other ideas I had over the last few weeks.

So I have been hiding in my basement making talking head videos (add this one to the count), but I have the creative juices flowing for this channel too.

Finally… Congrats to Mel and Scott on that Corn Hole Championship!

Discussing Color Grading and LUTs

After my first experience with color profiles on my Panasonic G7, I steered away from changing the settings on the camera. I didn’t know what I was doing, and I just followed what other vloggers said to do.

The problem is… most vloggers what the most neutral color palette from the camera, so they can tweak the colors in editing.

Who wants to do extra work?

If you are using a few different cameras in the same video, I understand the desire to have the same color science through all clips, but I am sticking to the default settings.